Here’s a message from our camp directors, Kathy & Heena! We had an awesome summer at camp this year & are so thankful for all of our parents who trust us with giving their campers a great summer experience! Check out the photos below from summer 2018!
Year after year, we work hard at creating safe, educational, & fun environments for your camper to enjoy over the summer! With many different projects & activities, we try to cater to every camper’s interests & plant the seed for lifelong learning & a love for science.
Parents love our camps because of our STEM-focused […]
Every Thanksgiving my sister’s family and my family would get together for a fun 4-day holiday weekend sleepover. My sister and I loved getting all the food ready, but realized that we could and should make the cooking a family affair. So, on Thanksgiving Eve we announced that each person had to pick 1 […]
March 14 is often celebrated as pi day (March 14th being 3.14, of course!). Pi is often thought of as a quirky concept that is only interesting to scientists. Most of the uses of π are in geometry and trigonometry, but advanced math concepts like statistics, complex numbers, and probability all rely on concepts […]
How would you define a year? To many people, it’s the time from birthday to birthday, or it might be the days from January 1 to December 31. This is known as a calendar year. A year might also be defined as the time it takes for the earth to orbit the sun. This […]
It’s almost that time of year, where ghouls and ghosts get together to enjoy some delicious treats! But what’s Halloween without an awesome pumpkin carving?
This summer we launched hundreds of rockets, engineered thousands of robotic dinosaurs, traveled millions of miles into space, and wielded countless super powers as our newest crop of campers discovered the amazing power of science!
August is here and camp is in full swing! Robots are battling, music is being made, rockets are soaring, and superhero cars are saving the day. We are having a blast!
Destination Science has operated with two essential principles since day one:
1. Develop confidence and enthusiasm about science as kids gain knowledge about how the world works around them.
2. Build character and skills for life – including curiosity, creativity, critical thinking, cooperation, persistence and more!
Let’s take a look at exactly how we accomplish these two goals and why it is so important for each kid to leave our camp feeling confident, enthusiastic, and more skilled than when they arrived.
February 16, 2015: We are humbled to announce that Destination Science was profiled in an Associated Press article detailing the impact of STEM-focused summer science programs. The article is featured on ABC News and was picked up in markets across the country, including New York, Washington, California, and more!
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