The Fun Science Day Camp for Curious Kids 5-11!
Why Kids Love DS
Girls Love Science!

Our daughter loves to dress like a princess and twirl around and dance and now when she does that she spouts science facts like ‘Gravity keeps us to the earth!’”
After attending the Astronaut camp, my daughter started making plans to visit Mars and Venus and other planets along with her kid brother. Thankfully, they have put off the plans to actually travel out until they are older.”
I love that my 7 year old daughter thinks that science is cool! She is still using the things that she brought home from camp like the ladybug home and the little magnifying glass. She is also asking us several times a day if she got this gene from Mommy or Daddy.”
My daughter loved every day better than the last! She never had a day when she wasn’t bursting with exciting new facts and concepts that she learned!”
The forming of coral overnight in her sea scene was her wow story and her functioning roller coaster is her project that brought her pride, but touching a shark was a big WOW.”
Our daughter has loved camp and is excited to come back for another week in July.”
As I put my daughter to bed after her 2nd day of camp, I noticed that she was smiling ear to ear and just beaming. I have not seen her this happy all summer even though we’ve had plenty of fun days at the pool. I asked her what was making her so happy. She said ‘Camp! I love my camp mommy! I can’t wait till tomorrow.’”
Boys Love Science!

My son loved camp!!! He couldn’t wait to share what he learned each day when I picked him up. He said ‘this is the best camp ever.’ He was asking to attend again next year before the week was even over. Thank you for helping my son become so interested and excited about science.”
My son walked into our bedroom at 5:30 a.m. all excited to tell us the difference about potential energy and kinetic energy! He is smitten by science and the curriculum really stuck with him! Thank you for that.”
My son left camp every day excited to share his experiences. It really encouraged his love for science!”
My son brought his experiments/builds home and we were entertained as he intelligently explained the workings of each piece — a camp well done!”
Where do I start? Our son has been talking about nothing else for two weeks, beginning every sentence with, “Mommy! Guess what….!” “Daddy! Guess what! Watch this…!” He got a huge kick out of strategically placing a solar powered water bug on my dashboard, actually whispering to Daddy,”wait for it..wait for it”! Nice. Thanks a lot you guys!”
Loved getting to see my son figure out how to fix one of his bots when it stopped working; after ruling out the battery, I was impressed to see him “re-wire” it and get it going again!”